i have a lot of good excuses for why i haven't posted. and why i haven't cleaned my apartment, and why i haven't called my mother. i'm not sure why i always need to explain myself in terms of excuses, but that's how it's always been for little a.d.d. me.
i'm going through something weird at the moment. i don't know how else to describe it. by weird i don't mean out-of-the-ordinary. or even particularly unusual. there are no anomolies here.
my mother tells a story sometimes of how hyper-focused i was as a child. whatever i did, i was happy. but try to pull me away for the next activity, and i threw fits. i screamed and cried and carried on. nothing ever ended too soon. once i settled in to the next event, i was fine, but there was no amount of logic or pleading that could convince me of what the future had in store. i was getting while the getting was good and that's just all there was to it.
it turns out i'm still a big baby. i only have room for one present at a time. and my present now is work, is the job that i actually, kind of, dare i admit, hope i don't jinx, like. omg i said it.
it just happened today. but there's been this gradual thing, this oh, is it seven already?, this skippy feeling in the morning, this general eat and live out of a box, hit and run check ins with myself kind of consumption. i am consumed.
well, and then there's b. b in the morning and b at night.
and there's those two other jobs, and that impending school thing. my life as a corporate hack diminishing rapidly. me not wanting to go.
how is it that i finally get to a place where i see a career i might want, a life i might want... i decide to go back to school. i apply. i get in. i kill time until it starts. i take a series of easy, non-commital positions to pay the rent... and suddenly, three months before my Life Of The Future starts, this job happens?
and this job, this job that happens, is like the exact perfect combination of all of the things i've done and liked, and wanted to do but didn't think i could, and nice smart people to work with who actually enjoy where they are, and a company that's not a few thousand dollars away from belly up... and, and, and... i don't want to go!
and so i've hunkered down and hoped that nothing would change if i held on very tightly. there's this little box that has formed around me, and i'm not letting anyone in.
and i'm sick. i have the flu. this post? feverish hallucinations. remember the rain from a few weeks ago, how it rained and rained for days and days on end, and you kept thinking it was going to let up, and it just got worse and worse as the days went on? and it went on forever and forever and you almost couldn't remember life that wasn't gray? that's this sickness. that's me.
and i'm in a huge fight with typepad. i can't tell you why, but things are bad between us. really bad. might move to blogger bad. i'll keep you posted. no pun intended.
so i'm here and i'm kicking and breathing and not just hanging on but hanging on very tightly, hanging on every word. i still have some surprises up my sleeve. no one will be surprised but me.